Unit P.3 (Round 5)
Collisions & Momentum
What can we do to make driving safer for everyone?

Unit Resources and Lesson Documents

Unit Resources
Unit Overview Materials (Unit Overview, NGSS Elements, Teacher Edition, Student Edition)

Is there a similar mathematical relationship between the masses and the changes in velocity for two objects in any other collision conditions?

How could features of modern vehicles reduce a person’s likelihood of serious injury in a collision?

Is there also a quantitive relationship between the change in momentum, force, and the amount of time the force acts on an object?

Should we make all vehicles bigger because that will also decrease the forces on the occupants in a collision?

Why is driving safer today than it was ten years ago, even though the number of vehicle collisions has gone up?

Can our models be used to explain real world scenarios involving quick stopping times and vehicles of different masses?

How does the rigidity and length of the crumple zone influence the safety of the occupants during a collision?

What can we do as drivers, passengers, and residents that could make driving safer for everyone in our community?